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Hey you! I’m Sara, the story teller here at SGP! I’m a Minnesota girl who loves my family and any adventure. Give me a quiet lake, a hat and sunglasses, and I’m content as can be. I’m not afraid to get a little dirty, and I love to bring your wild ideas to life. My clients always come first and I’m so grateful to capture so many moments! I can’t wait to meet you.

Sara Gostonczik, Sara Gostonczik Photography

Book a Session!

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Why Choose Sara Gostonczik Photography.

Photographers are everywhere and by now you have most likely looked at many photographer’s websites and even had photography studio recommendations from friends who had photographs. You may be overwhelmed as to how to decide which professional photographer will meet your needs, fit your budget, and most importantly, care about you and your goals.
At Sara Gostonczik Photography you will find a collaborative working environment where your dreams and aspirations are taken seriously. In working with our studio you will be part of a carefully designed system of shooting which has been formulated through experience and a passion for work.
Sara’s experience helps her direct and motivate each client to get the best pictures possible. Whether its a family or senior sesssion, headshot, commercial or product photograph, we work in a fun, collaborative environment which yields phenomenal results.